Credit Application

Unless you request that Able Freight Services, LLC extend credit, all services of Able Freight Services, LLC must be prepaid.

Prepayment means that payment must be submitted and received by Able Freight Services, LLC, to proceed with the shipment after the booking has been made.

If you would like Able Freight Services, LLC, to consider extending credit to you/your company, please complete all fields of the form below. You acknowledge and agree that Able Freight Services, LLC may extend credit, not extend credit, change credit terms, and revoke credit at any time at Able Freight Services, LLC’s sole discretion.

Before you continue, you must be an established customer of Able Freight Services, LLC, to be considered for credit.

Able Freight Services, LLC, uses third party business credit report providers to verify credit history.

Name of the Sales or Operations employee you are working with

Contact Information

The representative of the Customer who is completing this form.

Company Information
Please provide information about your business in this section.

For more information, see this guide.

Please add information about those charged with governance of your Company.
Banking Reference
Please provide information about your main financial institution. Main financial institution is the bank where you transact most of your Company's cash movements.
Credit References
Please provide us with at least two, preferably three trade references.
These references should be your vendors you do business with on a regular basis.
Please read the following:

I/We certify the above information provided in this form is true and correct.

I/We fully understand the credit terms extended, and if extended agree to the full and timely payment of all amounts billed.

I/We agree that, if full payment is not remitted in timely manner, Able Freight Services, LLC, shall be entitled to commence collection efforts, which includes but not limited to; lawsuit, sales of unpaid receivables to third parties and engaging third party agencies, and that Able Freight Services, LLC, shall be entitled to every and all direct costs of collections, including but not limited to fees, commissions, attorney’s fees and carrying charges on a monthly basis applied at the daily average overdue balance at the lesser of 1.5% on a monthly basis or the maximum rate allowed by applicable law.

I/We authorize the release of financial information from the designated credit references and credit reporting agenc(ies) that they are authorized to release for the purposes of Able Freight Services, LLC, evaluating the creditworthiness of the business identified in the company information section of this form.

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© Able Freight Services, LLC 2025